
2017考研复试 英语口语面试怎么准备-第2页


1. 常见的提问方式:

What is your plan in the postgraduate study?

Where do you see yourself in ten years’ time?

2. 回答线索:

Do not say very rigid goals.

3. 回答范例:


Q: What is your plan in the postgraduate study? /How do you plan to study for your graduate programme?

A: I've already made a plan for my postgraduate study. If luckily I got the admission to this university, I would make good use of the two/three years. You know, the two/three years is very short for an aspirant pursuer for knowledge, so it's necessary to make a good plan both for my academic research and future career. First, I will try my best to grasp the theoretical knowledge and set the solid foundation for my further study. Second, if time permits, I will do some part-time job relevant to my major and in this way I can put the theory into practice. Third, I will apply for a doctor degree if impossible.


Q: Where do you see yourself in ten years' time?

A: It is really difficult to imagine where I will be in ten years' time.But I really hope that ten years from now on, I will already be happily married, have a cozy home, a stable, challenging and well-paid job in which I can find great interest. I hope to have already made some contribution in the research area and had some several publications. And also, I hope by that time, I will have been a person who knows how to be grateful for what life has blessed me with.


1. 常见的提问方式:

How did you enjoy your college life?

How are you getting along with your classmates?

What did you learn in college?

What qualifications have you obtained at university?

What impressed you the most at college?

2. 回答线索:

To be positive

3. 回答范例:


Q: How did you enjoy your college life?

A : Generally speaking, my college life was busy and colorful. In my spare time, I took an active part in all kinds of voluntary and practice work. In the meantime, I enriched my experience and met new friends sharing similar interests. In addition, I’ve spent quite some time in reading. The works of the great minds are really extraordinary and instructive and through reading I’ve stepped into the unknown but wonderful fields that I’d never thought worthy of my time.


Q: What impressed you the most at college?

A:I believe the library of my university has impressed me the most. If I want to look for a certain professional book, 














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